Re: Remote buffer overflow in resolver code of libc

From: David Conrad (david.conradat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 08:24:36 PDT

  • Next message: Brett Glass: "Re: Apache worm in the wild"

    On 6/26/02 4:50 PM, "Brett Glass" <brettat_private> wrote:
    > On individual machines, one could direct all queries to localhost and set
    > up one's favorite name daemon (e.g. BIND or djbdns) to "sanitize"
    > incoming responses.
    My understanding is that this will work with BINDv9 since the cache
    synthesizes all responses returned to the requestor and a bad response
    wouldn't be synthesized.  BINDv8 and BINDv4 will sometimes (in an attempt to
    be faster) simply pass the authoritative response on to the requestor (which
    is the bad thing).  Don't have a clue about what dnscache or MS DNS would

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