Re: MacOS X SoftwareUpdate Vulnerability

From: Kurt Seifried (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 11:52:40 PDT

  • Next message: Matthew Murphy: "BadBlue 1.73 EXT.DLL XSS Variant"

    >> Date:      July 6, 2002
    >> Version:   MacOS 10.1.X and possibly 10.0.X
    >> Problem:   MacOS X SoftwareUpdate connects to the SoftwareUpdate Server
    >>            HTTP with no authentication, leaving it vulnerable to attack.
    >> Solution/Patch/Workaround:
    >A possible workaround:
    >System Preferences -> Software Update -> Update Software: [x] Manually
    >Donīt touch the "Update Now"-Button!
    >Look for updates on
    >Use trusted networks or http-to-mail gateway to get the files.
    How is this an improvement? The whole premise of the attack relies on
    DNS/ARP poisoning/spoofing, which is super trivial if you are local, pretty
    easy on the same subnet, and usually possible across the Internet. So
    instead of directing you to or * I simply
    redirect you to my version of
    Apple doesn't even post MD5 sum's of the files, let alone a PGP/GnuPG
    signature, there is absoulutely no verification of the packages as far as I
    can tell.
    Kurt Seifried, kurtat_private
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