BadBlue 1.73 EXT.DLL XSS Variant

From: Matthew Murphy (mattmurphyat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 12:08:27 PDT

  • Next message: Matthew Murphy: "Technical Details of Urlcount.cgi Vulnerability"

    Advisory: Variant of BID #5086 Discovered in BadBlue
    As I originally reported in my alert regarding the ext.dll of
    BadBlue, it is prone to XSS attacks.  EXT.DLL has been
    re-written to generate its HTML differently as of BBPE
    1.73.  Rather than simply placing it in the output, BadBlue
    passes the query on to a function called 'cleanSearchString'.
    However, two vulnerabilities still exist.  One vulnerability
    introduced in BBPE 1.73 (cleanSearchString) and another
    that wasn't patched from the older versions (the INPUT
    When searching for "<>", we find two locations where our
    query is passed as a literal to the browser:
    <input type=hidden name=a0 value="<>">
    In order to exploit the input vulnerability, the query is rather
    "><script src=></script>
    However, don't be fooled by the complexity of the document.write()
    call, either, this is still exploitable. :-D
    ') + '\x3cscript
    The Moral of This Story?
    No matter how you 'clean' it before writing client-side, if input is
    displayed literally at ANY point in the document, it can be used to
    divert the flow of execution to an attacker-supplied payload.
    "The reason the mainstream is thought
    of as a stream is because it is
    so shallow."
                         - Author Unknown

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