RE: "Camera/Shy the Steganographical Browser"

From: the Pull (osioniusxat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 14:05:45 PDT

  • Next message: Jacek Lipkowski: "Undocumented account vulnerability in Avaya P550R/P580/P880/P882 switches"

    >Software may be written to operate with a modified
    "ExtractSteganography" that can examine the resultant string as such:
    >  + IF several printable bytes are followed by 0x00 
    >  + THEN flag image and store extracted data
    >Knowing this, it is TRIVIAL to write an automated
    >application which could quickly examine a set of
    >suspect images,
    >locally or online, determine whether they are
    >"Camera/Shy" and
    >act according to its findings.
    >ie: notify administration, block host/s, etc 
    Three points. 
    One, Camera/Shy is clearly marked as Beta. In fact, the
    current version is We totally want help on this application.
    We have used SourceForge because we want developers to be able to help
    on this. 
    Two, the FAQ - which has been carefully translated - very specifically
    notes already that the gifs may be easily detected by using software
    analysis. It notes we understand we will have to manually change the 
    protocol used on a regular basis. Workarounds have already been stated
    within the FAQ at the top of the list. It notes that the strength of
    the application is in hiding images on pro-"Communist" sites and in
    planting fake images through out the web. In this way the "Communist"
    regime must expend a great deal of time and resources and follow
    bad leads.
    So, on one hand, this is a high priority known bug... on the other
    hand it is stated that we realize there is not a fool proof method
    to hide content in gif images at all -- excepting a few methods which
    forego usability completely allowing only very short messages. This
    said, this particular signature bug will be munged.
    That said, the bug in the implementation of the encryption, a popular
    library used in Camera/Shy... is simply a new bug entirely which will
    fixed as high priority.
    Third, you have total right to email the author and actually submit
    bugs, submit code, submit translations.
     the Pull
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