[VulnWatch] SCAN Associates Advisory: madhater perlbot 1.0 beta - Remote Command Execution

From: guejez (guejez@scan-associates.net)
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 04:42:17 PDT

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    perlbot 1.0 beta - Remote Command Execution
    Discovered By guejez of scan-associates.net
     About perlbot:
     [quote from perlbot website]
     [/quote from perlbot website]
     perlbot is avaliable at http://stigmata.gothcafe.com/~madhater
     Vulnerable (tested) Versions:
     Perlbot version 1.0 beta on SuSe 7.3
     Vendor Contact:
     07-22-02 - Emailed myneid ^^at^^ gothcafe.com Alerted him of this
     07-22-02 - Recieved email confirming vulnerabilties and stating fixes could
                in new version.
     -- Command Execution
     1. Due to no input filtering and a call to the shell the script could be
    used to
        execute any command it has permission to.
        A more detailed explaination:
     The script does not limit the characters sent to the shell from user input.
     The problem is in this line:
     foreach(`/bin/echo "$word" | /usr/local/bin/ispell -a`)
     Which allows an attacker to "break out" of the quotes and issue any command
     they wish by doing something like anything";cmd.  Other abuses could be
     commands with `cmd` and $(cmd) or \xxx where xxx is the octal value of any
     character.  Some form of user input filtering must be used.
     2. Due to no input filtering and a bad open() call when the script attempts
    to send
        email it is possible to execute commands.
        A more detailed explaination:
     The script attempts to send an email to the user.  It takes the user's
     address and passes it to the shell as an argument to the mail program:
     open (MAIL,"| $sendmail $recipient") || die $!;
     This means things like hacker@scan-associates.net < /etc/passwd could be
    used as
     an email address to get any file from the system the script has permission
     read.  Or command execution is possible with hacker@scan-associates.net ;
     Inorder to prevent this simply take the $recipient value out of the shell
     Proof Of Concept:
     No proof of concept will be givin for these issues.
     According to the author a fix could be in a new verison of the script.  The
     homepage was down at the time of this advisory, so here is the suggested
    fix.  Replace
     the following line:
     my $word=$';
     my $word=$';
     $word =~ s/[^\w]//g;
     And replace the following line:
     open (MAIL,"| $sendmail $recipient") || die $!;
     open (MAIL,"| $sendmail -t") || die $!;
     irc.efnet.org #vuln - various people helping with perl security issues.
     pokleyzz, sk , and all of scan-associates.net

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Oct 18 2002 - 09:54:20 PDT