NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-016: Insufficient length check in ESP authentication data

From: NetBSD Security Officer (security-officerat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 17:39:18 PDT

  • Next message: jelmer: "Re: Vulnerable cached objects in IE (9 advisories in 1)"

    		 NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-016
    Topic:		Insufficient length check in ESP authentication data
    Version:	NetBSD-current:	 source prior to August 23, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.6 beta: source prior to August 23, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.5.3:	 affected
    		NetBSD-1.5.2:	 affected
    		NetBSD-1.5.1:	 affected
    		NetBSD-1.5:	 affected
    		NetBSD-1.4.*:	 not affected (no IPsec shipped with it)
    Severity:	remote denial of service (kernel panic by malicious packet)
    Fixed:		NetBSD-current:		August 23, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.6 branch:	August 23, 2002	(1.6 includes the fix)
    		NetBSD-1.5 branch:	September 5, 2002
    The KAME-based IPsec implementation included in NetBSD was missing
    some packet length checks, and could be tricked into passing negative
    value as buffer length.  By transmiting a specially-formed (very
    short) ESP packet, a malicious sender can cause a cause kernel panic
    on the victim node.
    For the attack to be effective the attacker has to have knowledge of
    the ESP settings being used by the victim node (wiretapping traffic
    would achieve this).  Also victim node has to be configured with
    certain ESP security-association (SA).
    The publication of this advisory is delayed to coordinate with third parties.
    Technical Details
    Your system is not vulnerable if:
     - you do not enable IPsec ESP in the kernel (options IPSEC_ESP), or
     - you do not have IPsec ESP SA with ESP authentication data setting
       active on your system. However, if you have IPSEC_ESP enabled, we
       suggest upgrading your kernel to bring in the fix, even if you are
       not presently using IPSec.
    Solutions and Workarounds
    The recent NetBSD 1.6 release is not vulnerable to this issue.  A full
    upgrade to NetBSD 1.6 is the recommended resolution for all users able
    to do so.  Many security-related improvements have been made, and
    indeed this release has been delayed several times in order to include
    fixes for a number of recent issues.
    If you are using ESP with authentication, you must upgrade to avoid
    the vulnerability, as described below for your version of NetBSD:
    * NetBSD-current:
    	Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2002-08-23
    	should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2002-08-23 or later.
    	The kernel code needs to be updated from the netbsd-1-6 CVS branch.
    	To update from CVS:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P sys
    	on how you rebuild the kernel.
    * NetBSD 1.6 betas:
    	Systems running NetBSD 1.6 BETAs and Release Candidates should
    	be upgraded to the NetBSD 1.6 release.
    	If a source-based point upgrade is required, sources from the
    	NetBSD 1.6 branch dated 2002-08-23 or later should be used.
    	The kernel code needs to be updated from the netbsd-1-6 CVS branch.
    	To update from CVS:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-6 sys
    	for instructions on how you rebuild the kernel.
    * NetBSD 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3:
    	Systems running NetBSD 1.5 branch dated from before 2002-09-05
    	should be upgraded to NetBSD 1.5 tree dated 2002-09-05 or later.
    	The kernel code needs to be updated from the netbsd-1-5 CVS branch.
    	To update from CVS:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-5 sys
    	for instructions on how you rebuild the kernel.
    Thanks To
    Todd Sabin and BindView for analysis and report.
    The NetBSD Release Engineering teams, for great patience and
    assistance in dealing with repeated security issues discovered
    Revision History
    	2002-10-22	Initial release
    More Information
    An up-to-date PGP signed copy of this release will be maintained at
    Information about NetBSD and NetBSD security can be found at
    http://www.NetBSD.ORG/ and http://www.NetBSD.ORG/Security/.
    Copyright 2002, The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    $NetBSD: NetBSD-SA2002-016.txt,v 1.16 2002/10/22 00:27:56 itojun Exp $
    Version: 2.6.3ia
    Charset: noconv
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Oct 22 2002 - 13:34:54 PDT