IBM Infoprint Remote Management Simple DoS

From: Toni Lassila (
Date: Fri Oct 25 2002 - 02:19:23 PDT

  • Next message: securityat_private: "Security Update: [CSSA-2002-038.0] Linux: inn format string and insecure open vulnerabilities"

    IBM makes a series of TCP/IP enabled printers that come with remote
    management features:
    One of these features is a Telnet-based remote management service, which
    has a DoS vulnerability. The vulnerability discussed here was tested on an
    IBM Infoprint 21 (older model), but is probably present in other printers
    of the same product line.
    The Telnet-enabled remote management feature used in the printer does not
    properly check user input, namely the login name. By connecting to port 23
    and entering a login name consisting of an excessive number of characters
    a DoS condition will occur, and the Telnet service will refuse to allow
    further logins to the service. This is most likely due to a buffer
    overflow vulnerability in the login handling code.
    Power cycling the printer will restore functionality.
    After the DoS condition has occurred, the Telnet service on the printer
    will continue accepting connections but will no longer display a login
    prompt. The connection will eventually time out. Other services are
    While testing with large input data I was able to bring the entire printer
    down hard by sending enough data (several k) to port 23. The entire
    network interface was down, and the physical control panel on the printer
    was unresponsive. Printing was not possible. The only solution was to
    power cycle the printer once or twice(!) to restore functionality.
    There do not appear to be any firmware updates available for the specific
    printer, nor any mention of these kind of issues on the vendors web site.
    Best practices dictate that printers and other internal assets should be
    only accessible from the internal network or through authenticated
    It does not seem to be possible to disable the Telnet service without
    disabling all TCP/IP functionality from the printer.
    Vendor Status
    IBM was contacted on 2002-10-18. No acknowledgement of response of any
    kind was received.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Oct 25 2002 - 06:32:19 PDT