Moby NetSuite POST Denial of Service Vulnerability

From: Matthew Murphy (mattmurphyat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 19:58:30 PST

  • Next message: Matthew Wagenknecht: "pWins Perl Web Server Directory Transversal Vulnerability"

    Advisory: Moby NetSuite POST Denial of Service Vulnerability
    Moby NetSuite is an HTTP/SMTP package designed for simplicity. It supports
    CGI, including POST form submissions. A vulnerability in the POST handler
    could lead to denial of service against the server.
    When faced with a POST request, NetSuite allocates a buffer according to the
    incoming Content-Length header, reads in that number of bytes, and passes
    them on as the CGI process' STDIN stream. The value for the number of bytes
    read is returned from an atoi() call.
    When the header's value is too large to fit in an integer value, or is not
    numeric, the atoi() library call leaves the variable in its previous state.
    In this case, the variable is undefined, as it has no data before the length
    is determined. An sprintf() call that occurs while creating the CGI
    environment for the child then attempts to read the undefined data,
    resulting in an access violation. Restart of services is required to regain
    normal functionality.
    [Begin Session]
    POST /cgi-bin/test.cgi HTTP/1.0
    Content-Length: 111111111111111111111111111
    [End Session]
    NetSuite crashes within seconds with an access violation: illegal use of
    un-initialized data variable. (Write-Up) (Exploit code in HTML form) (Exploit code in downloadable

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