Re: ps information leak in FreeBSD

From: Crist J. Clark (crist.clarkat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 07 2003 - 09:48:46 PST

  • Next message: Zero-X Team: "Vulnerabilties in Xynph FTP Server 1.0"

    On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 09:18:00AM +0000, Jez Hancock wrote:
    > It's annoying in that I see a lot of users running mysql with the -u and -p options:
    > mysql -u user -p mypassword
    > on the commandline, thinking that this info will not show up in ps listings when ps
    > is run by other users.  Ho hum...
    Any program that asks for a password on the command line should have
    the common decency to overwrite/obfuscate it, along the lines of,
    	case 'p':
    		passwd = optarg;
    		optarg = "********";
    So that it doesn't show up in any "ps" output.
    Of course, there is still a window of vulnerability before the code is
    executed, but any long-lived daemon has no excuse for not doing this.
    Crist J. Clark                     |     cjclarkat_private
                                       |     cjclarkat_private    |     cjcat_private

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