Windows Server 2003 Security Guide available

From: Michael Howard (mikehowat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 21:35:54 PDT

  • Next message: Greg Smith: "SonicWall Pro DoS?"

    Microsoft Security Solutions is happy to announce the release of the
    _Windows Server 2003 Security Guide_ and its companion guide, _Threats
    and Countermeasures: Security Settings in Windows Server 2003 and
    Windows XP_. 
    The new guides provide detailed security guidance on Microsoft Windows
    Server 2003(tm) that is authoritative, proven, and tested. The guides
    are designed to allow users to assess and mitigate a wide range of
    significant security issues that may exist in their environment.
    The Windows Server 2003 Security Guide provides easy to understand
    guidance, tools, and templates to effectively secure Windows Server 2003
    in a variety of enterprise environments. While the default installation
    of the product is designed to be secure, a number of security settings
    can be further configured based on specific requirements and scenarios. 
    The Windows Server 2003 Security Guide consists of 12 chapters. Each
    chapter builds on the end-to-end process required to implement and
    secure Windows Server 2003 in a customer environment. The first few
    chapters describe building the foundation for hardening the servers in
    your organization; the remaining chapters document the procedures unique
    to each server role.
    The companion guide, Threats and Countermeasures: Security Settings in
    Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, provides a reference to many of the
    security settings available in the current versions of the Microsoft(r)
    Windows(r) operating systems. 
    For each setting discussed in this guide, information is provided
    regarding the threat that the setting was designed to prevent, the
    different countermeasures that can be applied, and the potential impact
    of configuring these options. 
    The guides can be found online at:
    Windows Server 2003 Security Guide:
    Threats and Countermeasures: Security Settings in Windows Server 2003
    and Windows XP
    MSS Glossary:
    Cheers, Michael
    Writing Secure Code 2nd Edition

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