S21SEC-018 - Vignette memory leak AIX Platform

From: S21SEC (vul-servat_private)
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 07:10:01 PDT

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    ID: S21SEC-018-en
    Title: Vignette memory leak AIX Platform
    Date: 15/03/2003
    Status: Vendor contacted and solution available
    Scope: Revelation of memory variables
    Platforms: AIX
    Author: ecruz
    Location: http://www.s21sec.com/es/avisos/s21sec-018-en.txt
    Release: External
                                    S 2 1 S E C
                               Vignette memory leak
    About Vignette
    Vignette develops Content Management and Application Portal Software.
    Description of vulnerability
    There is a memory leak vulnerability in the Vignette software. It's caused by the incorrect handling of text variables. Under some circunstances Vignette can't calculate succesfully the size of text variables. This lead to the dump of memory portions when this variables are showed.
    This problem appear when the text variable include the substring "-->"
    When this text is included as part of a text variable, Vignette fails and append as part of the variable random portions of the memory.
    Example of a returned form:
    <input type=hidden name="cookieName" value="x--      return &amp;#91;EVAL $elseClause&amp;#93;
        } else {
        return &amp;#91;EVAL $thenClause&amp;#93;
    <input type=hidden name="cookieName" value="x--whereClause&gt;.
    ##    SQL &lt;sql&gt;     Issues the query specified by &lt;sql&gt;.  Note that
    ##          WHE">
    This also affects default Vignette Templates, for example /vgn/login.
    Affected Versions and platforms
    This vulnerability has been tested in Vignette StoryServer and Vignette V/5. But it seems that all currently avaliable versions are vulnerable.
    Vignette users should procceed to contact vignette throught the standard channels VOLS etc in order to get a solution.
    Additional information
    These vulnerabilities have been found and researched by:
     Eduardo Cruz           ecruzat_private
    You can find the last version of this warning in:
    And other S21SEC warnings in http://www.s21sec.com/es/avisos/

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue May 27 2003 - 12:14:40 PDT