b2 cafelog: remote command execution, sql injection and another flaw.

From: FraMe (frameat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 11:37:40 PDT

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    Products:    b2 cafelog 0.6.1 with ljupdate
                      b2 cafelog 0.6.2 and prior
    Author: FraMe ( frame at kernelpanik.org )
    URL: http://www.kernelpanik.org
    1. Overview
    2. Description.
    3. Details.
    4. Vendor Response
    1. Overview.
    b2 is a news/weblog tool written in php. b2 uses MySQL as backend system.
    2. Description.
    "b2 0.6.1 with ljupdate" allow remote command execution in
    ./b2-include/b2functions.php. A malicious user can inject an url in $b2inc,
    and obtain command execution with web server privileges ( usually nobody ).
    "b2 0.6.2 and prior" allow sql injection in ./blog.header.php. $posts isnīt
    convert to integer, so we can inject a sql in this variable. In MySQL 4.x
    UNION and subselects can be used to obtain privileges.
    "b2 0.6.2 and prior" has a little flaw. Bored users can force server to read
    a remote file using $b2inc in ./b2-include/b2menutop.php
    3. Details
    b2 0.6.1 with ljupdate.
    from ./b2-include/b2functions.php:
    b2 0.6.2 and prior
    from ./blog.header.php:
    if ($posts)
    $limits = ' LIMIT '.$posts_per_page;
    $request = " SELECT $distinct * FROM $tableposts WHERE 1=1".$where." ORDER
    BY post_$orderby $limits";
    $result = mysql_query($request);
    b2 0.6.2 and prior
    from ./b2-include/b2menutop.php:
    $menu = file($b2inc."/b2menutop.txt");
    4. Vendor Response
    20-04-2003: Sent email to vendor.
    31-05-2003: No response.
    [ FraMe - frame at kernelpanik.org ]
    [ URL - http://frame.lifefromthenet.com ]
    [ Kernelpanik - http://www.kernelpanik.org ]
    [ PGP KeyID - 0xFA81AC9C ]

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