Pipe Filename Local Privilege Escalation FAQ

From: @stake Advisories (@stake)
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 08:39:50 PDT

  • Next message: scott Stevens: "Website to (Safely) Check Content Filtering S/W for Malicious Code???"

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    We have received several inquiries regarding the advisory, "Named
    Pipe Filename Local Privilege Escalation" that was published by
    @stake on 07/08/2003. These answers should clarify where the
    vulnerability actually lies so customers can make informed
    decisions on what may need to be fixed in their environments.
    1. Is SQL Server 7.0 vulnerable?
    The actual vulnerability is at the Windows NT/XP/2000 platform level,
    not at the application level. Any application that calls CreateFile
    based on user input and doesn't filter out named pipe names can be
    used as an attack vector to exploit this vulnerability.  Since SQL
    Server 7.0 contains the xp_fileexist procedure, which calls
    CreateFile with user input, it is an attack vector.  Instead of
    fixing this one attack vector Microsoft has fixed the actual design
    vulnerability with new privileges. If you are running SQL Server 7.0
    you should upgrade to Windows 2000 SP4 if local privilege
    escalation is a risk in your environment.
    There are potentially many other applications that can be used as
    attack vectors.  We have made no attempt to find any other vectors
    at this time. SQL Server MSDE which is installed by many products is
    potentially another vector.  A full list is here:
    2. Are Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 vulnerable?
    Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP are.
    The MSDN documentation for SeImpersonatePrivilege states this:
    "Windows XP, Windows 2000 SP3 and earlier, Windows NT:  This
    privilege  is not supported."
    [line wrapped]
    Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows 2003 are the only platforms that support
    the new privilege that fixes this issue.
    3. Has @stake conducted any extensive research on the potential
    impact on production systems when implementing SP4? 
    We have not done any research on the impact of SP4 on production
    systems. We are not set up to do application regression testing.
    This is a major change for applications that must use
    impersonation.  As with all service packs, acceptance testing is
    advised. The Microsoft KB article
    (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;[LN];821546) does
    have troubleshooting tips for applications that require the
    impersonation privilege that are not started by the service control
    manager or the COM infrastructure.
    4. What are some other workarounds to this issue?
    Since this is a local privilege escalation issue it can be mitigated
    by only allowing administrators to logon locally to servers running
    applications that can be used as attack vectors.  If you are running
    terminal services then only administrators should be given
    permission to connect.
    5. Why is there no Microsoft bulletin on this issue?
    Microsoft's policy is to not issue bulletins for vulnerabilities that
    are fixed in service packs.
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