DSL- Router Teledat 530 DoS

From: Dr. Markus a Campo (mac.ac@t-online.de)
Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 05:13:49 PDT

  • Next message: t4at_private: "FIXED: MacOSX - crash screensaver locked with password and get thedesktop back"

    behind my DSL-router Teledat 530 I have a Windows-box with a Norton 
    Firewall 2003. The Symantec security scan on 
    http://security.symantec.com/ssc/ (I think a normal portscan) lets the 
    router crash - reboot is required.
    The vendor (Deutsche Telekom) told me to uninstall Norton Firewall to 
    solve this problem. :-(
    Markus a Campo

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