Invision Board spoof and defacement

From: Daniel Boland (DCBolandat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 03 2003 - 17:29:46 PDT

  • Next message: Przemyslaw Frasunek: "Re: wu-ftpd fb_realpath() off-by-one bug"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    All versions of Invisions Board have a flaw in their
    input filtering that allows an attacker to completely
    mess up Invision's display and in one case I managed to
    change the URL of some of the forums links, which could
    be used to refer users to fake login sites to collect
    passwords etc.
    The vendor hasn't been notified because of their
    handling of previous vulnerabilties I found in Invision
    Board, instead I wrote a patch myself.
    The problem is with the IBF tags used to enhance forum
    posts, for example [IMG][/IMG]
    would be parsed into HTML code to include an image in
    the post. When two tags overlap i.e. [QUOTE]bla
    the first tag's closing HTML code ends up inside the
    image's source string, meaning that the 'quote' never
    gets closed. This would lead to the rest of the
    document being included as a quote inside the
    attacker's post. So far this leads to defacement but
    nothing major, however a slight variation of the above
    would be:
    now instead of not closing a quote, we close a quote
    without opening it; thus 'escaping' out of our post
    area where we can spoof forum links.
    A patch for this is simple, just add code to the [IMG]
    parser function to watch out for the following symbols:
    Your forum may have more vulnerable tags because of
    mods you've used, and I suspect the [EMAIL] tag is
    vulnerable too - but that would be more of the same and
    the following code could be changed to fix that too.
    Paste this into /sources/lib/post_parser.php in the
    regex_check_image function, just after the max_images
    check (that's line 1214 on version 1.2):
    	// Check if previous tag has left HTML inside this one
    or if there's another tag in here (just in case) ~
    Daniel Boland
    	if (preg_match( "/[\<\>\[\]]/", $url))
    		$this->error = 'poss_hack_attempt';
    		return $default;
    ~Daniel Boland

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