Re: Buffer overflow prevention

From: Massimo Bernaschi (massimoat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 15 2003 - 10:37:06 PDT

  • Next message: Tom 7: "Re: Buffer overflow prevention"

    The discussion about the various techniques for buffer overflow
    prevention is very interesting, but if the target is to prevent the 
    security threats caused by buffer overflows, then one should look for
    an operating system base solution, since it is an OS issue to enforce
    the security. Solutions based on the control of system calls execution
    like systrace ( or 
    remus ( are just two possible examples of
    such approach.
    --- Massimo Bernaschi: Istituto Applicazioni del Calcolo ---- 
    |  IAC-CNR                  | e-mail: massimoat_private    |
    |  V.le del Policlinico 137 | phone: +39 06 88470229        |
    |  00161 Roma - ITALY       | fax:   +39 06 4404306         |
    |See for my GPG public key or check        |
    |GnuPG Public Key Fingerprint (                        |
    |pub  1024/CAA3FB48 2001/01/04 Massimo Bernaschi <massimoat_private>  |
    |     Key fingerprint = 3EFF 7AFF F8A4 F34E 382B  DD81 57F3 700A CAA3 FB48|

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