The future of IDS

From: Andrew Plato (aplato@private)
Date: Tue Oct 09 2001 - 14:05:36 PDT

  • Next message: Goldschmidt, Bob: "Announcement: Meeting of ISSA - Portland Oregon Chapter"

    Toby, et al
    Great discussion today. It was very good to hear that the issues of
    intrusion detection systems (IDS) are getting out there. 
    I did have one question that I did not get a chance to ask (I had to
    leave early), that I thought I'd post to the list for all to respond and
    ponder. Perhaps you talked about this after I left (which I apologize
    then for asking.) 
    Where do you - and others - see the IDS market going? I am very curious
    about this out of both capitalistic desires (I want to make $$$ off
    selling the products) but also from a professional standpoint of how to
    get the best IDS bang for the buck.  
    For example, although protocol analysis is not a new technology, it
    seems that only recently it has been mated to high profile IDSs like
    SNORT or BlackICE. Are IDS's moving toward more PA? Or do simple
    pattern-recognition technologies still have a place? Or (in the case of
    BlackICE) will it be a hybrid of both. 
    Is there something else on the horizon? I've heard this notion of mating
    some advanced artificial intelligence (AI) with IDS - but that seems
    more Star Trek then reality. 
    Let's discuss this! 
    Andrew Plato
    President / Principal Consultant
    Anitian Corporation <> 
    503-644-5656 office
    503-201-0821 cell
    Yahoo Messenger: anitian

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