RE: mail list concerns

From: Mark Morrissey (markem@private)
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 11:57:07 PDT

  • Next message: Hamblet, Robin: "RE: mail list concerns"

    On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Adam Lipson wrote:
    > Along these lines has anyone else noticed that they have been receiving more
    > Spam in their inbox since we got that message entitled "DENÚNCIA, crime ,
    > ESTAMOS SENDO PREJUDICADOS".  I don't know if it is a coincidence that I
    > have been getting a lot more, but if other people have noticed this as well
    > can we somehow limit the membership of this list in some fashion?
    For reasons maginally related to this, PSU (the engineering school which
    includes CS) has recently disabled the "who" command to majordomo. This
    list is run under majordomo at PSU/CS.
    It is possible that the subscription information had been harvested before
    the change in policy. Note that this is also possible for any subscriber
    to the list and also anyone who may have access to an online archive. The
    mere act of joining a list makes you vulnerable, although posting to the
    list may increase your vulnerability.
    As Crispin pointed out, this is mostly off-topic, even though it relates
    to people's willingness to participate in this particular forum.
    Mark Morrissey			markem@private
    Lecturer in Computer Science

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