Sircam, was: 10045727

From: Kuo, Jimmy (Jimmy_Kuo@private)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 15:52:18 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "RE: Is EVERYTHING off-topic? :D was (RE: RIAA wants to hack your PC)"

    >>The attached file is infected by I-Worm/Sircam.
    >I just received a sircam virus from him (probably is unaware of 
    >it), email address at esko71@private
    I don't think I posted this info here yet.
    But that thing about Sircam wiping machines on Oct 16...  No, it doesn't.
    As for things being off-topic, just about anything can be brought
    back on-topic.  The bigger problem is when people get drawn further

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