RE: CRIME FW: [Ccbig] 'Hi' Virus. Be Vigilant!

From: Kuo, Jimmy (Jimmy_Kuo@private)
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 09:56:50 PST

  • Next message: Geo: "CRIME [Fwd: [C.r.i.m.e.-announce] FW: NIPC Alert 01-029]"

    I don't understand why my alert hasn't shown up yet.
    And can anyone tell me, who undertook to block .SCR files after my
    presentation at the last meeting?
    Our VIL page:
    -----Original Message-----
    From: George Heuston
    To: 'crime@private'; 'nw-ipwg@private';
    Cc: Joel Brillhart
    Sent: 12/4/01 9:06 AM
    Subject: CRIME FW: [Ccbig] 'Hi' Virus.  Be Vigilant!
    Importance: High
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ken.Powell@private [mailto:Ken.Powell@private] 
    Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 9:03 AM
    To: ccbig@private
    Subject: RE: [Ccbig] 'Hi' Virus. Be Vigilant!
    Here is more information on this. It just started showing up here as
    EMERGENCY ALERT: W32/Goner-A worm spreading widely
    Sophos has received a number of reports of users
    receiving a new, in-the-wild, virus called
    Sophos has issued protection against W32/Goner-A,
    and is recommending customers update their copies
    of Sophos Anti-Virus to protect against it.
    W32/Goner-A arrives as an email attachment with the
    following characeteristics:
      Subject: Hi
      Message text:
      How are you ?
      When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought
      about you
      I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!
      Attached filename: GONE.SCR
    To read more about W32/Goner-A and download protection
    please visit the Sophos website:
    Sophos recommends customers adopt a policy of "safe
    computing" in conjunction with up-to-date anti-virus
    software to reduce the threat of computer viruses.  For
    more details please see:
    Ken Powell
    Systems Administrator
    Clark County Office of Budget and Information Services (OBIS)
    Vancouver, Washington
    Voice: (360) 397-6121 x4658
    Fax: (360) 759-6001
    -----Original Message-----
    From: George Heuston [mailto:georgeh@private] 
    Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 9:01 AM
    To: 'crime@private'; 'nw-ipwg@private';
    Subject: [Ccbig] 'Hi' Virus. Be Vigilant!
    Importance: High
    A CRIME member called to say that a virus titled 'Hi' has inundated his
    systems...This just out minutes ago. Don't know any more about it.
    CCBIG mailing list
    CCBIG mailing list

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