Re: CRIME hacked web server question

From: toby@private
Date: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 13:20:16 PST

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "RE: CRIME hacked web server question"

    This web site might give you some answers:
    Adam Lipson writes:
    > I have had someone come thru and post about 3gb of files on a webserver
    > running fully patched IIS and only port 80 and ftp allowed to access it.
    > The problem is the folders containing the files are names like ".   tagged
    > for nwa" and can't be deleted by windows/dos.  Does anyone know how to
    > delete these folders as I presume this may have happened to someone else on
    > the list. 
    > Thanks and happy new years!
    > Adam

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