Re: CRIME Archive of list on the web

From: Alan (alan@private)
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 19:52:01 PDT

  • Next message: Alan: "Re: CRIME FW: [Ansir] FBI - ANSIR Program - Possible Terrorism Targeting of U.S. Fiancial System"

    On Friday 19 April 2002 03:27 pm, Greg KH wrote:
    > > Unfortunately I can't use tools like SA as it may filter email that
    > > people expect me to deal with.
    > You get sent spam that people want you to deal with?
    > SA works great, you don't have to have it delete all of the stuff it
    > tags as spam, it can be sent to a different folder, for later viewing.
    > It also has a very flexible "white list" feature to handle stuff from
    > people you know are "good" and you accept stuff that might look like
    > spam from.
    Any mail that Spam Assassin marks as spam, I have redirected to a holding box 
    i can deal with later.
    One of the main reasons is that a big chunk of George's reposting of 
    Government warnings get marked as spam.  (Mainly due to the ALL CAPS thing.  
    Will someone please tell the people at the FBI who write those things that 
    e-mail is different than a telegram?  It is not a teletype machine! We have 
    lower case!)

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun May 26 2002 - 11:41:32 PDT