Re: CRIME Sonicwall ??

From: Zot O'Connor (zot@private)
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 10:56:16 PDT

  • Next message: Alan: "Re: CRIME FW: Militants wire Web with links to jihad"

    The config screens we have dealt with are "easy to use" but difficult to
    fathom the detailed underlying issues.  The manuals are not helpful in
    this area.  So if you are just hooking the company to the net, it's
    easy, but i you have a bunch of port forwards, DMZ machines, and
    filters, it can be difficult.  This is true of most web based
    From a English standpoint:  There is no way to tell the system which
    layer of protection happens when.  So two rules that process the same
    type of packet, but one allows, and one denies, there is no clear order
    when the rules are on different screen.
    There also was no way we could find to just print the rules to a file.
    You can download the config, but its binary.
    > >Does anyone have any issues with Sonicwall equipment?
    > >Are there any holes ? How does it compare to other equipment?
    > >Thank you.
    Zot O'Connor

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