RE: CRIME Follow-up to my idea for helping law enforcement respon d more eff ectively to life-threatening disappearances and abductions

From: Kuo, Jimmy (Jimmy_Kuo@private)
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 15:50:46 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "RE: CRIME Checkpoint versus Sonicwall"

    >Similarly, there is very good reason to require very formal search 
    >warrants before e-mail & web traffic can be tapped for law enforcement 
    >purposes. It is trivial to impersonate someone on the net; if someone 
    >wanted me in jail, and warrants with good propbable cause were not 
    >required to tap my web surfing habits, it would be very easy to fake up 
    >a web log showing me downloading kiddie porn. You don't even have to 
    >fake the logs: you just go download the kiddie porn, and spoof the IP 
    >address so it looks like I did it.
    I may be wrong.  But I believe these rules changed shortly after the Patriot
    Act.  Without a warrant, legal authorities are now allowed to capture
    to/from information, but not the content.

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