Re: CRIME: [Cyber_threats] Daily News 09/03/02

From: Lyle Leavitt (lylel@private)
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 12:34:04 PDT

  • Next message: Toby: "Re: CRIME Checkpoint versus Sonicwall"

    Since this guy was indicted Friday, should Worldcom pull the plug on
    his website or would that be a violation of his rights. Since he is
    not being indicted on a computer crime, he may be given access to the
    Internet and be able to administer his website from a prison cell
    which would allow him to remain an activist and sympathizer to
    Al-Qaeda. But that in and of itself is not a crime.
    What say you? 
    > August 30, C|NET Networks
    > A federal grand jury has indicted the founder of the Web
    > site on charges of aiding Al-Qaeda terrorists. Prosecutors say Earnest James
    > Ujaama, 36, who was born James Earnest Thompson, conspired to create an
    > Al-Qaeda boot camp in rural Oregon. Ujaama also helped Al-Qaeda with
    > computer training and Internet propaganda, according to the 9-page
    > indictment released late Wednesday. Ujaama is a well-known Seattle activist
    > who was arrested by the FBI last month and was held as a material witness
    > until charges could be filed. In addition to operating the
    > site, which quotes Ujaama as accusing the United States of "conspiracy to
    > commit genocide and crimes of terrorism against Muslim people," the
    > government says he designed a site called the Supporters of Shariah. Source:

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