CRIME REMINDER: Free Seminar on Computer Security tomorrow!

From: Andrew Plato (aplato@private)
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 12:12:23 PDT

  • Next message: Lyle Leavitt: "Re: CRIME: [Cyber_threats] Daily News 09/03/02"

    Just a reminder to everybody that Anitian's Weathering the Storms Seminar will be tomorrow from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at 3800 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. Free coffee and muffins provided and a free 90 evaluation copy of BlackICE PC Protection. Plus we're giving away 10 evaluation copies of Retina from eEye Digital Security, one of the best vulnerability scanners on the market. 
    This is a basic security seminar using the HIPAA and GLB legislation as a template for good security practices. Also includes discussion on perimeter defense, intrusion detection, and biometrics. 
    This is a beginner to intermediate level seminar with moderate technical content. Great for people who want to learn more about security and key concepts. Q/A period will follow. 
    I'll have a cool BIOMETRIC mouse on display and if our wireless router is working I can demo its use on the Internet. 
    Sign up to attend at 
    See you there. 
    Andrew Plato, CISSP
    President / Principal Consultant
    Anitian Corporation
    (503) 644-5656 office
    (503) 201-0821 cell

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