Re: CRIME Issues

From: Shaun Savage (savages@private)
Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 07:07:28 PDT

  • Next message: RADFORD John J * DAS SCD: "RE: CRIME Issues"

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    Crispin Cowan wrote:
    | Open source! I'm serious :)
    | A large part of how this problem comes about is the procurement process,
    | which ultimately results in a large, proprietary, unmaintainable system.
    | The State then hobbles along with it until it collapses of its own
    | weight, and then the State procures a newer system, with the same
    | If the State made it a procurement *requirement* that all such systems
    | being paid for by the State be delivered with an open source license
    | (OSD compliant )
    | then the State has a great deal more flexibility in maintaining the
    | system in the future. In particular, it frees the State to:
    |    * hire additional developers to work on the project outside the
    |      primary contractor
    |    * hire maintenance staff from any source
    |    * fire the primary contractor and replace the development staff
    |      without having to flush 100% of the software developed so far
    |    * engage in open source security and quality reviews of the software
    |      without having to apply NDAs to the reviewers
    | This is not my idea; it is being widely discussed. It has been proposed
    | for the state of California, the Federal government of Peru, and
    | actually implemented for the federal government of Venezuala.
    | Crispin
    Also once you start using Open Source Software OSS the starting point of
    MOST projects have already been started.  This gives a cost reduction of
    basic development.
    Also the theory of public commons, supports the concept of the state
    improving the common good of all people by adding to the public commons.
    Because software placed in the public commons never diminishes the
    common good but always adds to it. OSS is a renewable resource for all
    the public to benefit from.
    Shaun Savage
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