Re: CRIME Issues

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 17:03:08 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME Issues"

    Shaun Savage wrote:
    > Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > | Open source! I'm serious :)
    > |...
    > Also the theory of public commons, supports the concept of the state
    > improving the common good of all people by adding to the public commons.
    > Because software placed in the public commons never diminishes the
    > common good but always adds to it. OSS is a renewable resource for all
    > the public to benefit from.
    Exactly! Proprietary custom solutions encourage massive waste. Open 
    source custom solutions encourage the State and the contractors to 
    cooperate to improve existing solutions, reducing waste.
    Naturally, this is not entirely a panacea. Long term maintenance of 
    complex software is never easy. But open source makes it easier.
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    Chief Scientist, WireX            
    Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    Available for purchase:

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