RE: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department

From: alan (alan@private)
Date: Mon Sep 23 2002 - 12:45:49 PDT

  • Next message: T. Kenji Sugahara: "Re: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department"

    On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, Andrew Plato wrote:
    > I think its political because people fear the loss of control. I've seen
    > this a lot with my own customers. They are worried the security people, 
    > will wield too much power over them. And this isn't helped by security 
    > groups that seem to be consumed with "disassociating" themselves from 
    > the dirty work of securing servers, making firewall rules, setting up VPNs, 
    > etc. 
    There also seems to be a deep underlying fear that someone might figure 
    out that they have no real clue as to how information flows within their 
    company.  They don't want to sit down and plan what happens, they just 
    want someone to waive their hands and everything to be alright.
    > You mean computers aren't magic? Oh, great, there goes my entire career! :-) 
    They are magic. Just a blacker sort of magic that few are willing to admit 
    "Why is there a request for a copy of the Necronomicon in the server 
    upgrade requisition?"

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