Re: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department

From: Shaun Savage (savages@private)
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 15:25:32 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME FW: [Cyber_threats] Daily News 09/23/02"

    T. Kenji Sugahara wrote:
    > What's needed is buy-in from the Governor on down.  (e.g. a fundamental 
    > shift in thinking).
    > Each agency head needs to understand the costs and benefits of 
    > security.  They need to be advised of the cost of computer insecurity.
    Open of the problems in goverment is that they are not open to new 
    ideas, even if the ideas better server the people of the state.  The 
    concept of open source is totally unheard of in goverment. As such they, 
    the big cheeses, don't want to get near it.  To me open source is the 
    best concept for goverment.  Pay for software once, development, then 
    the people could use it forever.  If a program is put into the public 
    domain then that adds to the commen welfare of everyone.
    I have read that the goverment should support business.  The question 
    here is are the people more important or companies. people vote but 
    companies donate(bribe) more money.
    I would donate my patented database GUI system to the projects the state 
    would create for it self using open source licenese.  This would reduce 
    maintaince and development cost, increase security, while improving the 
    common good for the average person in the state.
    Shaun Savage

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