Re: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department

From: Alan (alan@private)
Date: Wed Sep 25 2002 - 19:48:50 PDT

  • Next message: Greg Jorgensen: "Re: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department"

    On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 22:59, T. Kenji Sugahara wrote:
    > Risk management needs to be all over this issue.  Identity thieves have 
    > already been caught with copies of DMV records on CD.  What's next?  
    > Each breach could cost the state millions with ensuing litigation.
    The DMV records situation is an interesting issue.
    When those records first appeared on CD, there was a big stink about
    it.  They tried to restrict the records. (Seems just about anyone can
    get a copy just by providing media and a small fee.)
    You know who pretty much killed that idea?  Lobbying by the mass mailing
    companies.  It is one of the biggest sources for their mailing lists.
    Now they just restrict it to "people with a legitimate interest". 
    (Whatever the hell that means.)
    Alan <alan@private>

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