Re: CRIME better computing for oregon using open source

From: Shaun Savage (savages@private)
Date: Thu Sep 26 2002 - 20:42:40 PDT

  • Next message: Shaun Savage: "CRIME Linux class starting"

    Shaun Savage wrote:
    > This is is a continuance of the "Computer vulnerable at Oregon" thread!
    > The question here is will cost be reduced and security improved using 
    > Open Source.
    Lets start over and I will explain the context of these axioms
    > A few basic axioms of this debate is:
    > 1> "monopolies increase cost by reducing competition"
    This is a given
    > 2> "proper software development inceases software quality"
    Some people say that this is meaningless because it is to vague. But it 
    is still true.  What ever the meaning of "proper" is, the statement 
    convys an idea that if quality software, ie sofware that does what it is 
    suppose it do, requires a process to obtain the quality.
    > 3> "people are more important than business"
    Lets drop back to the basics.  This discussion is about a "goverment" 
    doing an action to improve that goverment.  This is the state goverment 
    that get it power fron the US goverment that get its pwoer for thw 
    constitution.  The constitution starts off with "WE the people..."  it 
    does not start of with "We the Businesses...".  the whole frame work of 
    the US is based on getting its power from the people.  The goverment 
    should server the people.
    Over the years the concept of who the goverment should serve has been 
    distorted.  There are people that think the goverment itself is the most 
    important thing,    Reason: "with out the gov there is no US".  FALSE!! 
    the people of this country is more than the goverment.  lookat at how 
    the people pull together in time of trouble, without help form the 
    Others think businesses are more important,   Reason: "US will not 
    survive with the economy"   FALSE!!  Even when the econmic melt down 
    comes, neighbors will still help each other in the end.
    Now how will these axioms help define the needs of the state of Oregon 
    to improve the security??
    Security is the concept of software doing what the designers want it to 
    do and preventing actions that the designers don't want it to do. I used 
    the word "designers" not programmers because programmers just translate 
    the desired actions into to physical code. A larger group of people 
    define what thoses actions are.
    How will Open Source Software improve quality, ie security?
    More later.
    Shaun Savage

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