Re: Identity Theft (was: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department)

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 19:19:13 PDT

On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 02:53:53AM -0700, Greg Jorgensen wrote:
> I can look it up on the State of Oregon's computers if you want... 
> what's your Zip code? ;-)

Google can tell you that. [1] Google can tell you lots of things. :)
(The next step is to get all our SSNs into google!)

(just for kicks:

[1]: crispin has stated before that google's zip for him is deliberately
misinformed, so if you want to send him ground-mail, it might be best to
ask for a real address from him personally. :)

It seems the power has been robbed from the founding fathers and is now
firmly in the hand of the funding fathers -- Rik van Riel

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