Re: Identity Theft (was: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department)

From: Greg Jorgensen (gregj@private)
Date: Fri Sep 27 2002 - 02:53:53 PDT

  • Next message: BAIRD Dion E * DAS DOIT: "RE: CRIME Computers vulnerable at Oregon department"

    Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > In case it was unclear, I have no intent or capability to deploy the 
    > Swiftian plan. The only social security number I can reliably remember 
    > is my own, and I'm not about to disclose it.
    I can look it up on the State of Oregon's computers if you want... 
    what's your Zip code? ;-)
    Greg Jorgensen
    PDXperts LLC, Portland, Oregon, USA

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