Re: CRIME Driveby DOS

From: alan (alan@private)
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 08:20:12 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "RE: CRIME Driveby DOS"

    On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Jere Retzer wrote:
    > Have there been any cases of wireless networks being exploited to launch DOS attacks? I've heard of driveby spam but not DOS. What's the likelihood of this becoming an issue?
    Any available access point has this possibility.  The only limitation is 
    > Would someone who operates an insecure wireless network potentially be liable if their network were used to launch such an attack? 
    By that rationale, Windows users should be kicked repeatedly in the nuts.  
    Oh wait.  Klez is already doing that.

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