Re: CRIME Security Consulting Services (revised)

From: David M. Fetter (
Date: Tue Jan 28 2003 - 10:39:32 PST

  • Next message: Shaun Savage: "CRIME Open Source TCPA validation"

    I'm looking for work out there in the Portland Metro Area.  I do UNIX 
    administration or security consulting.  Please see my resume at  If you have anything 
    available please contact me.  Thank you.
    P.S. I believe this is more proper for this list.  I will refrain from 
    posting commercial ads in the future.  Thank you for all of your 
    comments and tips.
    David M. Fetter (MegaSurge) -
    "The world is full of power and energy and a person can go far by just 
    skimming off a tiny bit of it." Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash

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