RE: CRIME What security topics interest you?

From: Arnwine, Sondra R (sondra.r.arnwine@private)
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 22:17:08 PST

  • Next message: David M. Fetter: "Re: CRIME What security topics interest you?"

    I second Jeff's suggestions!  This type of presentation and discussion would
    be extremely useful along with data on Asset Registration.  Also, I'd like
    to see anything we might have around security ROI. 
     -----Original Message-----
    From: 	Jeff Bryner [mailto:jeff@private] 
    Sent:	Wednesday, February 19, 2003 9:16 PM
    To:	Andrew Plato; Crime List
    Subject:	RE: CRIME What security topics interest you? 
    Not that it's my favorite topic but it seems like
       2. Realistic Risk Assessment: How to honestly gauge the value of your
       information assets.
       3. Documenting Security: writing documentation and reports to encourage
       and sell security.
    could be combined into a 'how to get security projects initiated, approved,
    funded and completed.' It
    could cover valuation of assets, identifying threats & risks, determining
    loss potential for risks, evaluating countermeasures, reducing assigning or
    accepting the risk, etc, etc.  But that's a lot for an hour.
    I'd be interested in seeing something about honeypot/nets; legal issues,
    practical use and a roundup of current honeypot software/technology.

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