Re: CRIME funny site that will piss off at least some people

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 00:07:16 PST

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: [Information_technology] Daily News 3/13/03"

    Yup, looks like Toby succeeded in pissing someone off. This will 
    probably bug even more people :-)
    However, Tom is correct: CRIME is not a political soap box, and we 
    should keep postings at leat vaguely topical.
    ObCRIME: the Bush Crusade against the Iraq is likely to generate a spike 
    of cyber-attacks from outraged brown people around the world. Brace 
    yourselves, especially if you run a .gov.
    Tom Nelson wrote:
    > While I do not agree with your political opinion in the least, I do 
    > agree you have the right to express it, offensive as it may be to many 
    > of the others that share this list.  However, I do not agree that you 
    > have a right to express it here. This list is for issues totally 
    > different that those you want to express. 
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.            
    Chief Scientist, WireX          
    HP/Trend Micro Immunix Secured Solutions
    			    Just say ".Nyet"

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