Re: CRIME ettercap

From: tobyhush@private
Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 12:21:47 PST

  • Next message: alan: "RE: CRIME"

    Good suggestion. I haven't played with it on a wireless network but on a wired network it is great fun and very easy to use.
    Dsniff is another good one in this space.
    A bit of trivia- BackOrifice 2000 is on Sourceforge:
    Though it hadn't had much recently last time I checked.
    On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:41:33 -0800 Jim Binkley <jrb@private> wrote:
    >If you don't know about ettercap, you might wish
    >to spend some time observing it at:
    >If you have a large wireless network, it could come and visit you.
    >I would characterize it as a swiss-army-knife attack kit; that is,
    >a collection of attacks mostly based first on performing link-layer
    >enabling a MITM situation, and thus enabling a 2nd level of possible
    >attacks, once the arp-based MITM situation is setup.
    >But there are certainly some curious other attacks in there too,
    > that may be simply
    >"bad" because of DOS potential (the 802.1d spanning tree root
    >one is scary).   The attack that attempts to overflow switch
    >mac-address-table forwarding thus perhaps leading to no
    >unicast segmentation is also interesting.  Both are there to potentially
    >enable the ettercap user to be the MITM, of course.  There are defenses
    >against these things in many ethernet switches, but they are low-
    >and hard to administer in large enterprises (read not very scalable).
    >This makes me pose the hypothetical question:
    >Gee if ettercap can be on sourceforge, why wasn't trinoo made
    >available there either :-> ?!
    >					Jim Binkley
    >					jrb@private
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