Re: CRIME Underway

From: Todd Ellner (tellner@private)
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 10:54:24 PST

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: [Information_technology] Daily News 3/20/03"

    >> Just for Quick Review, Severe condition outlines the possible
    >> -Closing of public and government facilities AND
    >> -Monitoring, redirection or constraining of transportation systems
    >This gets me curius
    >Does this mean that businesses must close down? 'Constraining' of
    >transportation systems' gets me nervious. Does this mean that we
    >can't leave our homes to walk down a public street to go to the
    >corner store?
    >Would this mean that I have to shut down my online business?
    >Where are the detailed guidelines for this?
    Once the President said the words "partial mobilization" and "limited
    state of emergency" the normal rules changed. A lot. For more 
    information you might want to start by investigating the McCarran 
    Act (Internal Security Act of 1950) and the National Security Act of 
    1947. Everything from transportation and communications to food 
    production and housing may function under a different regime than 
    the laws which we are familiar with. It's probably best to find a 
    lawyer or the local representative of FEMA for more specific advice.
    If we are required to change what we do and how we do it everyday
    I am sure that the powers-that-be will give us instructions.

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