Re: CRIME Underway

From: Mark Allyn (allyn@private)
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 09:57:06 PST

  • Next message: Todd Ellner: "Re: CRIME Underway"

    On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Jacob Redding wrote:
    >  Just for Quick Review, Severe condition outlines the possible
    >   -Closing of public and government facilities AND
    >   -Monitoring, redirection or constraining of transportation systems
    This gets me curius
    Does this mean that businesses must close down? 'Constraining' of
    transportation systems' gets me nervious. Does this mean that we
    can't leave our homes to walk down a public street to go to the
    corner store?
    Would this mean that I have to shut down my online business?
    Where are the detailed guidelines for this?
    Thank you
    Mark Allyn

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