RE: CRIME Underway

From: Kuo, Jimmy (Jimmy_Kuo@private)
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 12:51:51 PST

  • Next message: Quinby, Kris (MED): "RE: CRIME Underway"

    If I read correctly in one of the latest NIPC reports, there is contention
    as to whether a "National" threat level is mandatory or advisory upon state
    If you notice, when Ridge issues a change to our national threat level, a
    separate report comes from the state of Oregon, which happens to match the
    threat level.
    HOWEVER, in this most recent threat level change, Hawaii stated they would
    be at threat level Blue(?) (one away from "all clear").
    Guess it's time to go to Hawaii.  :-)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dorning, Kevin E - DI-3 [mailto:kedorning@private]
    Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 10:57 AM
    To: 'Mark Allyn'; Jacob Redding
    Cc: T. Kenji Sugahara; 'CRIME'
    Subject: RE: CRIME Underway
    Planning and execurity emergency plans for a whole region or a whole country
    is problematic.  I can assure you that most of us who are in the process are
    taking a reasoned approach to the problem.  there is no value to closing
    down transportation and business/commerce if there is no credible threat to
    the area they are in.  Most of us favor and will use an approach that calls
    for an evaluation of the specific threat, and action that applies to that
    threat.  General threats with no specific information, are not of much use
    to us.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mark Allyn [mailto:allyn@private]
    Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:57 AM
    To: Jacob Redding
    Cc: T. Kenji Sugahara; 'CRIME'
    Subject: Re: CRIME Underway
    On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Jacob Redding wrote:
    >  Just for Quick Review, Severe condition outlines the possible
    >   -Closing of public and government facilities AND
    >   -Monitoring, redirection or constraining of transportation systems
    This gets me curius
    Does this mean that businesses must close down? 'Constraining' of
    transportation systems' gets me nervious. Does this mean that we
    can't leave our homes to walk down a public street to go to the
    corner store?
    Would this mean that I have to shut down my online business?
    Where are the detailed guidelines for this?
    Thank you
    Mark Allyn

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