Re: CRIME Recommended Honeypot Tools?

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 23:35:10 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "CRIME Internet Usage & Monitoring Demonstration - Friday 4/25 from 1-3pm"

    Clint Kaiser wrote:
    >Does anyone have experience with the open honeypot project?  I'm looking
    >for a recommendation on honeypot tools. 
    Note that Oregon Senate Bill 655 
    (the "Super DMCA" <>)  would 
    prohibit ownership or manufacture of honeypot tools, as they deceive or 
    conceal the identity & purpose of telecommunications gear.
    If this strikes you as a bad idea, write 
    <> your Oregon 
    State Senator <> and 
    <>,*especially* those of 
    you who live in Senator Charles Starr's 
    <> sprawling Hillsboro district 13 
    (which actually encompasses the location of the CRIME meetings 
    Charles Starr appears to be responsible for this bill. Tell him what you 
    think of favoring California entertainment companies over Oregon 
    technology companies.
    Does Intel know that the senator from their district is proposing to ban 
    NAT gear?
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.            
    Chief Scientist, WireX          
    HP/Trend Micro Immunix Secured Solutions
    			    Just say ".Nyet"

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