Re: CRIME Threatening e-Mail

From: Brian Beattie (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 09:40:27 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: [Information_technology] Daily News 4/28/03"

    On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 22:19, Steve Coffman wrote:
    > Thanks for the response.
    > This was for a co-worker of mine. His wife called him about receiving the 
    > e-mail and was very worried since he some how knew about their 5 yo 
    > daughter. This idiot was an e-bay seller that "sold" them a bike frame. 
    > When trying to get it after the bid, he backed out saying it was worth more 
    > than that, so they gave him a negative report for his transaction.
    > Looks like this moron looked up his wifes name on the Internet using a 
    > google search and found a few hits on various papers she had published. 
    > Having just moved from N.C. to Oregon, the check they sent was from a NC 
    > bank. So this guy was smart enough and somewhat determined to gather all 
    > data possible to send the threat. Still not sure how he got the daughters name.
    They should contact Ebay with this information.  There is no excuse for
    this kind of behaviour, ever.
    Brian Beattie            | Experienced kernel hacker/embedded systems | programmer, direct or contract, short or     | long term, available immediately.
    "Honor isn't about making the right choices.
    It's about dealing with the consequences." -- Midori Koto

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